Social Security Strategies

Social Security Strategies
. Please Note --> This is a Past Event!! .

Date: 4/11/2017
Time: 5:30 PM

McIntosh & Associates, Inc.
122 S. Main St., Suite 2
Freeland, MI 48623

(989) 692-2200

Event Description:

When to elect Social Security may be one of the most important decisions of your retirement. How much you receive from Social Security depends on three primary factors: 1.) Your Earnings Record 2.) When You Elect 3.) How Long You Expect To Live Most think that claiming Social Security is a simple retirement decision – you retire and you start your benefits. Not so fast – there are some strategies that can help boost a married couple’s retirement savings with thousands of dollars of additional income.

This is why McIntosh & Associates offers our Social Security Strategies workshops.

We’ll walk you through some of the strategies that could potentially increase your overall benefit amount. Bring your spouse or a friend!

To sign up:
