Standards for Excellence

Members of the Saginaw County Chamber of Commerce believe in the rights and privileges afforded us in the American free enterprise system. While the system validates our right to function as free business owners, we recognize our responsibility to customers, citizens of Saginaw County and the community.

As business and professional leaders in Saginaw County, unified under the mission and vision of the Saginaw County Chamber of Commerce, we hold the belief that all members should:

  • Focus on customer loyalty by providing products and/or services that are of quality, affordable and made available in a timely manner.
  • Protect responsible business practices, be open to criticism and agree to resolve differences in a fair and open manner.
  • Respect supplier/partner trust. In an era of virtual corporations, partnerships and extended enterprises, no company is self-sufficient. Successful collaborations are built on trustworthiness.
  • Commit to honest and honorable competition and value the challenge of providing products and/or services to our customers in a competitive environment.
  • Take personal pride in our work. As business and professional leaders, we take great pride in our accomplishments and strive to continually improve our relationship with customers and the community.
  • Create a positive work environment, which allows all people, regardless of race, color, creed or national origin the opportunity to attain their human potential.
  • Value employees by developing an open, creative and ethical work environment.
  • Encourage each employee to accept a degree of personal responsibility for the proper function of the organization.
  • Instill the principles of financial integrity by following responsible and honest business practices, as it relates to customers and stockholders or investors.
  • Recognize that it is intrinsically good to do the right thing and be ethical.

The foundation of the Saginaw County Chamber of Commerce is built on these ethical principles.

It's time to restore the confidence and vitality in our economy and get America moving forward again!