Leadership Saginaw County Alumni Association


What is LSCAA?
The Leadership Saginaw County Alumni Association (LSCAA) is a program of the Saginaw County Chamber of Commerce. The mission of the LSCAA is to develop, support and engage Leadership Saginaw County Alumni through education on pertinent issues within Saginaw County and networking with fellow Leadership Saginaw County Alumni, to take action for the improvement of Saginaw County.

Who should get involved?
All graduates from Leadership Saginaw County classes.

What are the benefits of joining the LSCAA?
Benefits of joining the LSCAA include discounts on LSCAA events, leadership opportunities and more!

How much is membership? 
Annual membership dues are $35.  Click here to print and mail your application. Each year you will be billed for your membership renewal.

How do I stay connected?
LSCAA communicates through email and social media.  Get connected by joining our groups on Facebook, LinkedIn and our email list.

How do I get involved?
There are plenty of ways to get involved with the LSCAA.
  • Apply for Membership.
  • Join us at one of our lunches: the third Thursday of the month, (January-May & September-November)(subject to cancellation). Watch your email for more details. Cost is $20 for members/$30 for non members.
  • Apply to join one of the LSCAA Committees.

Feel free to contact us at LeadershipSaginawCountyAlumni@gmail.com.